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Russel's wife works for the local Catholic school union. He says she is treated well and enjoys her work. He would like to see childhood education focus more on teaching skills that would enable the next generation to more easily enter the job market.

Bob has two children, in preschool and second grade. He believes his children have been receiving a satisfactory education thus far. Recently, the schools budget was decreased and they were forced to privatize their preschool program. He worries about the new management having a negative impact on his children's education

Stanley was a union member for 19 years. He was a US Steel Union Representative and has seen how unions fight for benefits. He feels that unions are the protective force that ensures union workers are paid a living wage. Stanley appreciates their continued support for workers after retirement.

Susan believes every American should be entitled to equivalent pay, regardless of gender. She would like to see our government raise the minimum wage and provide free healthcare, particularly behavioral health.

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Marianne Wible was a nurse for 35 years and served as a negotiator for their union. She thinks more workplaces should be unionized so the average citizen can make a sustainable wage.

Howard is proud to live in a community where neighbors look after each other. He is afraid Congress will raise the age to collect Social Security, and he won’t be able to collect the benefits owed to him. Howard works for a self-owned company, and it won’t allow unions to organize.

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Paid for by In Union USA and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

In Union is a project supported by a group of unions. It provides you with readily available research on issues that affect working people's lives, examines the records of elected officials on those issues, and helps hold the elected officials accountable. It is not affiliated with, does not take contributions from, and does not make contributions to any candidates or political parties.

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